

Tiffany: On the path to marketing in Adelaide

Tiffany is originally from Hong Kong and relocated to Adelaide to study a Diploma of Business at the South Australian Institute of Business & Technology (SAIBT) before moving into a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) at the University of South Australia (UniSA). She then landed a marketing job at SAIBT. Tiffany has received South Australian state nomination and is waiting for her Australian permanent residency (PR) visa to be granted, which will enable her to settle down in Adelaide.

We caught up with Tiffany to learn about why she decided to study marketing in Adelaide and her future marketing career.

International student Tiffany from Hong Kong SAR
Last Updated Tuesday 5th March, 2024

Tell us about your SAIBT study pathway.

 SAIBT is the only on-campus and one of the fastest direct pathways into UniSA. It offers a range of diploma programs in different areas, which are equivalent to first-year UniSA undergraduate degrees. On day one at SAIBT, I received a UniSA student ID card, which granted me access into UniSA facilities, and I was taught by UniSA lectures. The small class size ensured I received support and individual attention along my study journey.

What did you like about studying at SAIBT?

As a pathway provider, SAIBT helped me succeed in my university dream in Australia. I received full-year credits and went straight to second year for my marketing degree in UniSA after completing the diploma. Even though I got into my bachelor through SAIBT, I still graduated at the expected time without delay.

How did studying at SAIBT help you settle into university?

SAIBT provided a smooth transition between high school and university. The study experience at SAIBT helped me understand how university works, and I was well prepared when I transited into the second year at UniSA.

Why did you decide to study at the University of South Australia?

UniSA鈥檚 business programs are very famous and ranked in the top one percent worldwide. The University has also been awarded an overall five stars for excellence in the QS Star Rating. Plus, UniSA has partnerships with global and national brands. I was able to benefit from the partnerships by undertaking a marketing placement as an elective, which allowed me to gain hands-on industry experience as part of my study. Apart from that, UniSA has the highest graduate employment rate in South Australia; most graduates can secure a job within four months of graduating.

What do you love about living in Adelaide?

Adelaide is one of the most liveable cities located in South Australia, bursting with culture, culinary delights, history and modernity. Adelaide鈥檚 dynamic culture has allowed me to meet people from different countries. It has a lower living cost compared to other capital cities in Australia, and it only takes me 20 minutes to escape from the CBD to the beaches or hills. In Adelaide, I work to live, not live to work.

What is it like working in marketing in Australia?

Working in marketing, I cover a range of tasks such as implementing marketing plans, developing content, managing websites and social media as well as other marketing events. Through working in Australia, I鈥檝e learned to be culturally aware, such as understanding and respecting Australian culture. I鈥檝e also discovered that being fluent in English is essential and speaking additional languages is an advantage.

What do you like most about working in marketing in Australia?

Marketing allows me to use my own ideas and creativity to provide insights to a company. I get the chance to work and speak with people from different countries. Marketing is fun and challenging, and I love to challenge myself.

Where do you hope your marketing studies will take you in the future?

I see myself becoming an expert in marketing in the future and utilising my experience throughout the years in a job that I enjoy. My ultimate goal is to work in marketing and communications for the Australian defence industry one day.

What鈥檚 your advice for other students from Hong Kong who want to study marketing in Australia?

Not everyone gets a chance to study in Australia, so please treasure the opportunity, enjoy what the country brings you, make friends with people from different countries and overall, make the most of your university experience!

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